Rules for writing articles and theses
Example of an article (thesis) for inclusion in conference materials.:
The number of pages of the article must not exceed four pages A4.
Articles must be submitted in the format MS Word 2003-2010.
A header consists of: report's title (UPPERCASE), author's surname and initials (Ivanov I.I.),
full organization name, country, zip code, address, phone, fax, e-mail - must be centered,
title and author's name - bold font.
The caption, author's name and additional information separated by single line spacing.
Between additional information and the article's text - double line spacing.
The caption - centered 16 pt Times New Roman bold. Space character.
Authors - centered 14 pt Times New Roman, surname of the speaker must be underlined. Space character.
Organizations and e-mails of speakers (authors) - centered 14 pt Times New Roman, italic. Space character.
Text - 16 pt Times New Roman, single line spacing, justified, paragraphs separated with white space without indentation. Formula editor is © Microsoft Equation.
Figures - captions 12 pt, Times New Roman, high-contrast, preferably black-and-white.
Bibliography - 16 pt, Times New Roman. For the cited works, please use the square brackets. Proceedings of the conference and the program will be published well in advance and distributed to the authors at the registration.