

Participants' registration
Conference registration will be held on September 14 from 19-00 to 22-00 and September 15 from 9-00 to 10-30.
The participation fee: *
- for participants - 1500 roubles
- for aspirants ans students - 500 roubles
- for accompanying persons - 1500 roubles
The participation fee includes:
- participant kit
- coffee break
- costs of publication of proceedings and conference program
- banquet
- rent and transport
IMPORTANT: The committee does not give the confirming documents of the registration fee's payment
To apply for participation, please send an email to vlisaev@rambler.ru The letter should include:
- article title;
- authors' names;
- organizations which represent the authors;
- e-mail (one of the authors) for feedback.