

About the conference
All-Russian conference “Optics and spectroscopy of condensed matter” continues the series of scientific meetings, received its birth in 1976 at the initiative of Academician Vyacheslava Vasilyevicha Osiko and prof. Kuban State University Pisarenko Viktora Fedorovicha and is performed under the auspices of Minobnauki Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Section on "Formation and the structure of crystals", of Scientific Council on Condensed Matter Physics. During these years the theme of the conference has expanded to include a wide range of issues of theoretical, experimental and applied optical materials. Traditionally, the conference was attended by scientists of the RAS, branch institutes, universities, scientific production and research centers in Russia, dealing with both theoretical and experimental studies of the fundamentals of condensed matter physics and its applications.
Conference gallery
Conference venue (Agoy)
Conference venue (Agoy)
Conference venue (Agoy)
Hailstorm in Agoy
Sunset in Agoy
Culture center in Agoy
Sunset lights in the garden
Black sea, Tuapsinka river and the gulls
Storm on the sea
Photos were made and kindly granted by Chukalina Elena Petrovna